Monday, May 08, 2006

Moloka'i To O'ahu Team Relay Canoe Paddling

The photo was taken by Joaquin Siopack of the Honolulu Advertiser. I wish I could have been here but final exams take precedence so here is Lauren Spalding Bartlett, a member of our canoe kayak team as well as a U.S.A. Olympic Kayak team member. She was in the 2004 Athenes Olympics and here she is coming into the finish line in first place in the Moloka'i to O'ahu (42+ miles) one person canoe race (team format). She partnered with Dane Ward to break the race record in 5 hours 23 minutes 24 seconds. Congrats to Lauren and Dane!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hawai'is contribution to the World Cup

I decided to post this for Nicola and MoonSoleil of Germany for their spirited blogs on the upcoming FIFA World Cup to be held in various venues throughout Germany from June 9th to July 9th.

Brian Ching, a graduate of Kamehameha Schools - Imua Kamehameha! - and Gonzaga College has been selected to be a member of the U.S.A. World Cup soccer team - the first hawaiian ever!
WOOT. Congrats to Brian and best wishes to all participants from around the world! =)

Source: Honolulu Advertiser photo by Jeff Widener